Besides cleanings and exams, there are other times that require a trip to the dentist. Below, Dr. Sachs goes over a few issues that should be addressed with your dentist.

Your mouth constantly feels dry
Saliva is our mouths natural way to fight against cavities. If you do notice your mouth is consistently dry, be sure to speak with Dr. Sachs about what can be done to help relieve this issue.
Any pain or sensitivity
Pain or sensitivity are generally signs of other dental health issues.
Bleeding, bright red or inflamed gums
Gum disease is a severe issue that can cause a lot of damage to your mouth. If you notice any of these issues, contact your dentist as soon as you can.
Recent restorations, such as dental crowns or dental implants
You will want to visit your dentist for a checkup shortly after any dental restorations. Your dentist will make sure they are working correctly and not causing any issues.
If you notice anything out of the ordinary
When it comes to your health, it is vital to address issues early on.
Click here to read more dental issues that should be addressed with your dentist.
If you are due for a cleaning or notice any dental issues, we welcome you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sachs in Rockford, IL.