There is a lot of information on mouthwash, and with all this information it can be confusing to know if mouthwash is beneficial or if you should even use it.
Here is what Dr. Sachs has to say about mouthwash:
All of the statements about mouthwash are correct to a certain degree. From what I have read, and 37 years of practice, this is what I do. I do not recommend mouthwash for just everyone. Mouthwash kills bacteria, but, within 20 minutes, they have started to return. I look for the source of mouth odor. Do they need to brush their tongue? Most people neglect this. They need to use a tongue scraper to be effective. Do they have decay or areas where bacteria or food is accumulating? They need to clean these better or have work done. Many people need to use proxy brushes or end tuft brushes to get to an area. Some need electric brushes, and some just need to pay attention because their brush does not touch the gingiva when they use it.
I recommend Fluoride ACT mouthwash in patients that have decay, braces or xerostomia. I recommend Listerine in those that have chronic gingivitis that also have good homecare. I have seen improvement when they use it when nothing else has helped. I recommend Biotene and Spry products for those with xerostomia. I have patients rinse right before I work on them to reduce the bacteria that gets aerosolized. I do not tell everyone to use mouthwash.

If you are due for a cleaning or have any questions about the health of your mouth, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sachs in Rockford, IL.